Friday, October 18, 2019

Best Trust Bank Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Best Trust Bank Case - Essay Example However, after much experience, he learned to be attentive to the needs of the customers and came up with creative strategies in case of problems arising. He always found the best possible solution for the customers and talked to them in a respectable tone that always calmed them down. However, as an executive president, things have changed. He rarely interacts with the customers thus it is difficult to communicate to them. Most of his communications are formal and structured. He also find it difficult to communicate with over 73000 employees all over the globe considering that he cannot even have personal conversations with all employees in his HR department. However, he always finds ways of communicating with employees. One of them includes weekly meeting with all the heads of departments and review various HR issues including employee satisfaction. He also holds meetings with managers who report directly to him at least once every week. Here they review the progress of the employees and challenges faced. He also meets with as many employees as possible outside HR department. He also uses a variety of media to communicate to the world about the policies, benefits and other initiatives conducted by the bank. He records a video four times every year and posts it on the bank’s intranet and allows employees to post their questions online which he and other executives answer immediately on video. There are various sender and receiver skills indicated in this case. The sender skills portrayed include the listening, speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning. Paul is depicted to listen carefully to the needs and challenges of the employees now that he does not interact with the customers anymore (Bateman and Snell 23). He speaks to department heads on various HR issues facing the bank including employees’ satisfaction. He also speaks to employees during various seminars and encourages them on how to overcome the challenges facing them. The

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